Loose Amethyst

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    176 products

    Loose Amethyst Gemstone

    Amethyst, a variant of quartz renowned for its majestic purple hues, has long captured the fascination of gem aficionados and collectors alike. Our assortment brings together a diverse array of genuine Amethyst gemstones, each showcasing the marvels of Earth's geological processes. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the realm of gemstones, our selection promises something to enchant and mesmerize your senses.

    Every Amethyst gemstone at Glitter Gems is meticulously selected for its outstanding quality and distinctive attributes. From sparkling faceted gems that play with light to sleek cabochons boasting a captivating sheen, our collection caters to a range of tastes and preferences.

    Beyond their visual appeal, Amethyst gemstones hold cultural and historical significance. Associated with qualities such as spiritual insight, serenity, and protection, these gems possess a timeless allure that transcends mere aesthetics. Some believe in their capacity to foster emotional equilibrium and clarity of thought, making them cherished additions to both jewelry and metaphysical practices.

    With Glitter Gems, you have the chance to delve into the enchanting realm of Amethyst like never before. Explore the richness of its color variations, the legacy it carries, and the potential energies it may impart. Whether you seek a bold statement piece or a subtle touch of refinement, our collection beckons you to embrace the enchantment of Amethyst gemstones.

    Enhance your collection with the majestic allure of Amethyst from Glitter Gems – where timeless sophistication intersects with the splendor of nature's craftsmanship. Select the perfect gem that resonates with your style and aspirations, and acquire it with confidence from our collection, which guarantees the utmost quality and authenticity.

    Amethyst, a variety of quartz, reigns as the world's most coveted purple gemstone. Admired for millennia for its breathtaking beauty, it has earned the moniker "Gem of Fire." Serving as February's birthstone and the designated gemstone for the sixth anniversary, it symbolizes Valentine's and enduring love, embodying qualities of fire, passion, creativity, and spirituality. Amethyst, with a Mohs hardness of 7, is a semiprecious stone prized for crafting faceted stones, cabochons, beads, tumbled stones, and an array of ornamental items. Its durability allows for its use in rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and various forms of jewelry.

    Amethyst gemstone/Amethyst Crystal Gems

    Large reserves of amethyst can be found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Sri Lanka, the USA, and Uruguay.

    Amethyst Associations

    Chakras Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
    Birthstone February
    Zodiac Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius
    Anniversary 6th
    Hardness 7
    Planet Jupiter
    Color Reddish-violet tints of pale or almost colorless shades and deep, rich tones of pure violet

    Amethyst Color

    The most desirable color for amethyst is a vibrant reddish-purple or a pure purple without any visible zoning. Dealers favor stones with intense saturation, ranging from reddish-purple to dark purple, as long as the brightness is not compromised. If the tone is overly dark, the amethyst may appear black under low light conditions. Bronze or brownish hues in the purple color, as well as any evident zoning, significantly decrease the stone's value.

    Amethyst Clarity

    A considerable portion of cut amethyst available in the market is eye-clean, meaning it doesn't have any visible inclusions to the naked eye. Amethyst from Africa, particularly from Zambia, often exhibits an exceptionally saturated raspberry color. These specimens tend to contain more inclusions compared to those from Brazil. However, in faceted stones, this is generally deemed acceptable due to their striking coloration. Nonetheless, an eye-clean gem of the same hue holds higher value. Amethysts with visible inclusions but captivating colors are typically fashioned into beads or cabochons, showcasing fine brilliance and clarity.

    Amethyst Cut

    Amethyst is crafted into an array of shapes and cutting styles, catering to diverse preferences. These encompass emeralds, rounds, ovals, pears cuts, triangles, cushions, marquises, and more. Facet designs range from traditional triangular and kite-shaped facets, known as brilliant cuts, to rows of concentric parallel cuts termed step cuts. Some designs feature mixed cuts that integrate elements of both facet patterns. Amethyst is also favored for cutting into various freeform or custom shapes, often referred to as fantasy or designer cuts. These cuts can be either mass-produced or crafted as unique, one-of-a-kind pieces. Explore and purchase Amethyst gemstones online from Glitter Gemstones.

    Amethyst Carat

    Amethyst is highly prized as a large center stone and is offered in a range of sizes suitable for incorporation into various jewelry designs. Additionally, it is frequently available in calibrated cuts, ensuring precise cutting to standard industry sizes across all quality grades.

    Prices Of Loose Amethyst

    The price of loose amethyst gemstones can vary depending on several factors, including their quality, size, color, clarity, and origin. Generally, amethysts with intense and vibrant purple hues are more valuable than those with lighter shades. Stones with excellent clarity and minimal inclusions command higher prices due to their enhanced brilliance and transparency. Additionally, larger amethysts or those with higher carat weights tend to be more expensive, especially if they exhibit exceptional color and clarity. The origin of the amethyst can also influence its price, with stones from certain locations, such as Brazil, Zambia, and Uruguay, often fetching higher prices due to their superior quality and unique characteristics. Furthermore, factors such as market demand, availability, and the reputation of the seller can also impact the price of loose amethyst gemstones. It's advisable to research current market trends and consult with reputable jewelers or gemological experts to determine fair prices and make informed purchasing decisions.

    Healing Properties of Amethyst

    Amethyst offers a multitude of benefits, promoting nobility, inner peace, and healing, while facilitating positive transformation and balance. It serves as a robust and protective stone, shielding the wearer from various harms, including electromagnetic stress and negative intentions from others.

    This gemstone is particularly effective in balancing mood swings, alleviating stress and tension, and calming irritability. It has the ability to dispel feelings of anger, rage, fear, and anxiety, fostering a sense of tranquility and well-being.

    Moreover, Amethyst enhances focus, boosts memory, and stimulates motivation, aiding in mental clarity and productivity. It also encourages dream exploration and facilitates the remembrance and interpretation of dreams.

    In terms of physical health, Amethyst is believed to bolster the immune system, cleanse the blood, and alleviate pain, thereby assisting in the fight against cancer. It is also known to benefit the respiratory system, skin conditions, and cellular disorders.

    Astrologers often recommend Amethyst for individuals facing financial stress, professional instability, and unhealthy addictions, as it is believed to provide support and guidance in overcoming these challenges.

    Things To Consider When Buying Loose Amethyst

    When purchasing loose amethyst gemstones, several factors should be taken into consideration to ensure a satisfactory acquisition that aligns with your preferences and requirements. Firstly, evaluate the color of the amethyst, as it can range from pale lilac to deep purple, with hues closer to royal purple typically being more valuable. Additionally, consider the clarity of the stone, as amethyst may contain inclusions or internal flaws that can affect its appearance and brilliance. Opting for stones with minimal visible inclusions or those that are eye-clean can enhance their beauty. Next, examine the cut of the amethyst, as it greatly influences the stone's overall appearance and brilliance. Well-proportioned cuts with facets that reflect light evenly can maximize the gem's sparkle and allure. Furthermore, assess the carat weight and size of the amethyst relative to your budget and intended use, as larger stones or those with higher carat weights may command higher prices. It's also advisable to verify the authenticity of the amethyst and obtain certification from reputable gemological laboratories to ensure its quality and value. By carefully considering these factors, you can confidently select loose amethyst gemstones that meet your expectations and preferences.

    Uses Of Loose Amethyst

    Loose amethyst gemstones have a myriad of uses across various domains due to their stunning beauty, versatility, and metaphysical properties. In the realm of jewelry design, amethysts are highly favored for their captivating purple hue and excellent clarity. They are commonly incorporated into a wide array of jewelry pieces, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any ensemble. Beyond their ornamental value, amethysts are also revered in holistic practices for their purported healing properties. Believed to possess calming and purifying energies, amethysts are often used in crystal therapy and meditation to promote relaxation, spiritual growth, and mental clarity. Additionally, amethysts are valued for their decorative purposes in art and interior design. Their rich purple color can enhance the aesthetic appeal of sculptures, ornaments, and home decor items, infusing spaces with a sense of luxury and tranquility. Whether cherished for their beauty, symbolism, or spiritual significance, loose amethyst gemstones offer endless possibilities for adornment, wellness, and artistic expression.

    How To Care For Loose Amethyst

    Caring for loose amethyst gemstones is essential to preserve their beauty and longevity. Firstly, avoid exposing amethysts to harsh chemicals, including household cleaners, cosmetics, and perfumes, as they can damage the stone's surface and affect its color and clarity. Instead, clean amethyst jewelry regularly using mild soap and warm water, gently scrubbing with a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris. Rinse the stone thoroughly and pat it dry with a soft cloth to prevent water spots. Additionally, store loose amethyst gemstones separately from other jewelry pieces to prevent scratches and abrasions. Consider wrapping them in a soft cloth or storing them in individual pouches to minimize contact with other gemstones or metal settings. When not in use, keep amethysts away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prevent color fading or thermal shock. Lastly, periodic professional cleaning and inspection by a reputable jeweler can help maintain the integrity of the gemstone and address any potential issues early on. By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your loose amethyst gemstones retain their brilliance and luster for years to come.

    Buy Amethyst Gemstones at the best price

    Discover the captivating allure of Amethyst gemstones, available at unbeatable prices from Glitter Gems. Dive into a world of majestic purples, from soft lavenders to deep violets, as we showcase the enchantment of Amethyst in all its glory.

    At Glitter Gems, we pride ourselves on offering an authentic selection of Amethyst gemstones, each a testament to the wonders of Earth's geological processes. Whether you're an experienced collector or new to the scene, our collection caters to a range of tastes, ensuring you find the perfect piece to complement your style.

    Every Amethyst gemstone in our collection is handpicked for its exceptional quality and distinctive characteristics. From dazzling faceted gems to polished cabochons with an irresistible allure, our assortment caters to every desire.

    Beyond their visual splendor, Amethyst gemstones hold cultural and metaphysical significance dating back centuries. Associated with qualities such as spiritual clarity, tranquility, and protection, these gems possess a timeless allure that transcends mere beauty. Many believe in their ability to foster emotional balance and heightened awareness, making them cherished additions to both jewelry and spiritual practices.

    With Glitter Gems, you can immerse yourself in the captivating world of Amethyst like never before. Explore the rich spectrum of purple shades, each radiating its own unique charm and energy. Whether you're searching for a statement piece or a meaningful gift, our collection invites you to experience the elegance and mystique of Amethyst gemstones.

    Embrace the regal beauty of Amethyst with Glitter Gems – where sophistication meets the splendor of nature's finest creations. Find the perfect gem that resonates with your style and intentions, and shop with confidence from our collection, which guarantees authenticity and exceptional quality.

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