Rough Ruby

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    15 products

    What Is Facet Rough Ruby ?

    In the world of gemstones, few capture the essence of passion and desire as effectively as the ruby. But before these fiery red gems are transformed into dazzling jewelry pieces, they begin their journey as Facet Rough Rubies. These uncut, unpolished gemstones hold a unique allure of their own. In this article, we'll delve into the captivating world of Facet Rough Rubies, exploring their origins, history, uses, and the art of caring for these remarkable gemstones.

    A Glimpse into History

    The allure of rubies dates back centuries, with their discovery mentioned in ancient texts and legends from cultures around the world. Historically, rubies were believed to bring good fortune and protect their wearers from harm. The concept of Facet Rough Rubies is relatively recent, emerging as a specialized niche within the gem industry.

    Origins of Facet Rough Ruby

    Facet Rough Rubies are typically mined from various regions across the globe, with some of the most renowned sources being Myanmar (formerly Burma), Mozambique, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. The deep red hue of rubies is due to the presence of chromium in their crystal structure, and their color can range from vivid red to slightly purplish or orangish-red.

    The Versatile Uses

    While Facet Rough Rubies may not exhibit the fiery brilliance of cut and polished gemstones, they serve several unique purposes:

    1. Gemstone Cutting: Facet Rough Rubies are the starting point for skilled gem cutters and lapidaries who transform them into exquisite faceted gems. The rough material allows artisans to unleash the ruby's full potential, revealing its inner fire.

    2. Collector's Delight: Gemstone collectors often seek Facet Rough Rubies for their intrinsic beauty in their natural state. These specimens can be displayed as a testament to the raw, untouched beauty of nature.

    Caring for Facet Rough Ruby

    Caring for Facet Rough Rubies is essential to preserve their inherent beauty and prepare them for the cutting and polishing process. Here are some essential care tips:

    1. Handling: Always handle Facet Rough Rubies with clean hands to avoid transferring oils or dirt onto the surface.

    2. Protection: Store Facet Rough Rubies in a padded container to prevent them from coming into contact with other minerals or gemstones that could scratch or damage their surface.

    3. Cleaning: Facet Rough Rubies should be cleaned gently with a soft brush and lukewarm, soapy water to remove any accumulated dirt or debris. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth.

    4. Professional Cutting: Cutting and polishing Facet Rough Rubies should be left to experienced lapidaries or gem cutters who can unleash their full potential and reveal their inner beauty.

    Facet Rough Rubies, in their raw and uncut state, offer a unique glimpse into the world of gemstone transformation. As the starting point for masterful craftsmanship, they are the foundation upon which breathtaking ruby jewelry is built. Whether you collect them in their natural state or appreciate their potential for fiery brilliance, Facet Rough Rubies hold a special place in the world of gemstones. By handling and caring for them with precision and care, you ensure that their journey from rough to radiant is one filled with beauty and wonder.

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