Faceted Hackmanite

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    3 products

    Faceted Hackmanite

    Faceted hackmanite, a rare and captivating gemstone, is renowned for its unique ability to change color under different lighting conditions—a phenomenon known as tenebrescence. This fascinating characteristic, along with its striking appearance and metaphysical properties, makes hackmanite a prized addition to any gemstone collection. In this article, we delve into the origins, properties, and benefits of faceted hackmanite and explain why Glitter Gemstones is your premier source for acquiring this extraordinary gem.

    What is Hackmanite?

    Hackmanite is a variety of sodalite that exhibits tenebrescence. When exposed to sunlight or UV light, hackmanite changes color, often transforming from a soft violet or pink to a deeper purple or even a pale white or grey. This reversible change is what sets hackmanite apart from other gemstones. Additionally, hackmanite fluoresces under UV light, adding another layer of intrigue to its visual appeal.

    Origins and Discovery

    Hackmanite was first discovered in Greenland in the late 19th century and named after Finnish geologist Victor Axel Hackman. Today, significant deposits of hackmanite are found in various parts of the world, including Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Canada. Each location imparts unique qualities to the hackmanite it produces, contributing to the gemstone's diversity.

    Properties of Faceted Hackmanite

    Physical Properties

    • Color: Variable, typically ranging from light to dark shades of violet, pink, or purple.
    • Hardness: 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, making it suitable for various types of jewelry.
    • Transparency: Transparent to translucent, allowing light to enhance its tenebrescent effects.

    Metaphysical Properties

    Hackmanite is believed to possess numerous metaphysical properties, making it a gemstone of choice for many spiritual practitioners:

    • Emotional Healing: Promotes emotional balance and reduces stress and anxiety.
    • Spiritual Growth: Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.
    • Inner Strength: Encourages resilience and confidence.
    • Transformation: Symbolizes adaptability and personal growth.
    • Creativity: Stimulates imagination and artistic expression.

    Why Choose Faceted Hackmanite?

    Faceted hackmanite is particularly prized for its aesthetic and functional qualities:

    1. Visual Appeal: The faceting process enhances the gemstone's brilliance and showcases its tenebrescent properties, making it a stunning addition to any jewelry piece.
    2. Versatility: Suitable for various types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.
    3. Collectibility: Its rarity and unique properties make it a valuable addition to any gemstone collection.

    Why Buy Faceted Hackmanite from Glitter Gemstones?

    At Glitter Gemstones, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality faceted hackmanite. Here’s why you should choose us:

    Quality Assurance

    We source our hackmanite from reputable mines around the world, ensuring that each gemstone meets our stringent quality standards. Our expert gemologists meticulously inspect and grade each piece to guarantee authenticity and excellence.

    Ethical Sourcing

    We are committed to ethical sourcing practices. Our gemstones are obtained from mines that adhere to environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices, ensuring that your purchase supports positive change.

    Expert Craftsmanship

    Our skilled artisans carefully facet each hackmanite to maximize its brilliance and tenebrescent properties. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that you receive a gemstone of exceptional beauty and quality.


    At Glitter Gemstones, we offer bespoke jewelry design services. Whether you’re looking for a custom engagement ring or a unique pendant, our designers will work with you to create a piece that perfectly captures your vision.

    Customer Satisfaction

    Your satisfaction is our top priority. We offer a satisfaction guarantee on all purchases, along with a certificate of authenticity for each gemstone. Our knowledgeable customer service team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.

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