Loose Spinel

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    16 products

    Spinel Gemstones

    Spinel, akin to garnet and diamond, exhibits singly refractive properties, displaying uniform physical characteristics in all crystal directions. It belongs to the cubic crystal system, with its primary crystal form being an octahedron, resembling two pyramids joined back-to-back. Well-formed spinel crystals are relatively common in nature.

    Moreover, spinel can also manifest as flattened crystals, appearing markedly different from octahedral crystals. This flattened shape occurs when the pyramids forming an octahedron rotate against each other during growth, a phenomenon referred to as "twinned crystal." Gemstones cut from these true-color twinned crystals are typically shallow and should be evaluated based on their overall beauty rather than proportions alone.

    Spinel Associations


    Root Chakra




    Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aries


    19th, 20th




    Various shades of red, blue, green; also brown, black, gray, lilac, purple, orange, orange-red, rose,

    Healing Properties Of Spinel

    • Spinel recovery residences aid in improving the wearer’s fitness in lots of
    • Its real energies prompt the ‘Root Chakra’ and treat the issues related to
    • This gemstone can be worn as a powerful remedy to decorate the fitness of gums, teeth, skin, and
    • It additionally facilitates weight reduction and cancer
    • Spinel's are all-around chemically Safe to be placed in a jeweler’s pickle.

    Factors To Consider While Buying Spinel:

    Purchasing Spinel, a gemstone of captivating beauty and versatility, requires thoughtful consideration to ensure a treasured addition to your collection. As a gem often mistaken for rubies and sapphires, understanding the unique qualities of Spinel is crucial to making an informed choice. Here are essential factors to consider when buying Spinel:

    1. Color: Evaluate the gem's color, as Spinel showcases a diverse range, from vibrant reds, pastel pinks, and captivating blues to mesmerizing purples and oranges. Choose a hue that resonates with your preferences and style.

    2. Authenticity: Ensure the gem's authenticity by obtaining a reputable gemological certification. This verification confirms the gem as genuine Spinel, guarding against potential misidentification.

    3. Clarity: Examine the gem's clarity, aiming for stones with minimal inclusions that may affect its brilliance and transparency.

    4. Cut: Consider the gem's cut, as a well-proportioned cut enhances its brilliance and brings out the best in its color.

    5. Carat Weight: Determine your desired carat weight, balancing size preferences with quality to find the perfect gem within your budget.

    6. Treatment: Be aware of any treatments the Spinel may have undergone. Natural Spinel is highly regarded, but some stones may undergo treatments to enhance their color or clarity.

    7. Durability: Spinel boasts excellent durability, making it suitable for various jewelry types. However, consider its use and choose a suitable setting to protect the gem from potential damage.

    8. Origin: Some Spinel origins, such as Burma (Myanmar) and Sri Lanka, are known for producing exceptional gemstones. Origin can sometimes influence the gem's value.

    9. Price: Understand the value of Spinel, considering factors like color, clarity, carat weight, and origin. Compare prices from reputable sellers to make an informed purchase.

    10. Ethical Sourcing: Choose responsibly sourced Spinel, supporting ethical mining practices that prioritize environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions.

    Uses Of Spinel:

    Spinel, with its captivating beauty and exceptional brilliance, finds a range of alluring applications beyond its history as "The Great Impostor." Celebrated for its unique characteristics and enchanting colors, Spinel's versatility makes it a sought-after gemstone in various domains. Here are some of the key uses of Spinel:

    1. Exquisite Jewelry: Spinel adorns exquisite jewelry pieces, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Its vibrant colors, durability, and exceptional brilliance make it a favored gem for both classic and contemporary designs.

    2. Engagement Rings: Spinel's allure extends to engagement rings, offering an elegant and unique alternative to traditional gemstones. Vivid red and captivating pink Spinel make splendid choices for romantic declarations.

    3. Collector's Gem: Treasured by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts, Spinel's rarity and diverse colors make it a prized addition to curated gem collections.

    4. Historical and Royal Gems: Spinel, historically mistaken for rubies, graces the crowns and regal jewelry of monarchs worldwide, adding to its enduring appeal and significance.

    5. Artistic Carvings: Spinel's captivating colors and excellent hardness inspire lapidaries to create intricate carvings and ornamental sculptures, showcasing its beauty in artistic forms.

    6. Talisman and Spiritual Use: Some cultures believe in the metaphysical properties of Spinel, associating it with protection, revitalization, and empowerment.

    7. Fashion Accessories: Spinel's elegance adds a touch of sophistication to fashion accessories, such as brooches, cufflinks, and hairpins.

    8. Birthstone Jewelry: Spinel is considered an alternative birthstone for August, offering vibrant options for those born in this month.

    9. Investment: Rare and exceptional Spinels with unique colors and qualities can become valuable investments for gemstone connoisseurs.

    10. Ethical Jewelry: Responsibly sourced Spinels provide an ethical choice for those seeking gemstones with a positive impact on communities and the environment.

    From historical significance to contemporary design, Spinel's enduring allure and versatility ensure its prominence in the world of precious gemstones. As it continues to captivate hearts and inspire creativity, Spinel stands as a gemstone of timeless elegance and enduring charm, a true testament to the enchanting beauty found within the depths of Earth's geological treasures.

    How To Care For Spinel:

    Caring for Spinel is essential to maintain its timeless splendor and ensure it remains a cherished gemstone for generations to come. As a durable and captivating gem, Spinel requires special attention and care to preserve its exceptional brilliance and alluring colors. Here are crucial tips to keep your Spinel gemstone radiant:

    1. Gentle Cleaning: Clean your Spinel regularly using a soft, lint-free cloth dampened with lukewarm water and mild soap. Gently wipe the gem to remove any dirt or residues. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may harm its surface.

    2. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Protect Spinel from sudden temperature changes and extreme heat, as it may cause thermal shock and potential damage to the gem.

    3. Storage: When not wearing your Spinel jewelry, store it separately from other pieces to prevent scratches. Consider using individual compartments or soft pouches to safeguard the gem from accidental knocks.

    4. Minimize Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause fading in some colored gemstones, including Spinel. Store your jewelry away from strong sources of light when not in use.

    5. Protect from Chemicals: Avoid exposing your Spinel gemstone to harsh chemicals, such as bleach or acidic solutions, which can harm its surface and diminish its brilliance.

    6. Avoid Impact: Although Spinel is relatively hard, it can still be chipped or cracked with a hard impact. Handle your jewelry with care, and remove it before engaging in physical activities.

    7. Professional Inspections: Have your Spinel jewelry inspected by a reputable jeweler periodically. They can check for loose settings and ensure the gem remains secure.

    8. Ethical Sourcing: Choose responsibly sourced Spinel, supporting ethical mining practices that prioritize environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions.

    9. Avoid Ultrasonic Cleaners: Refrain from using ultrasonic cleaners for Spinel, as they may damage the gemstone or cause internal fractures.

    10. Responsible Wear: While Spinel is a durable gemstone, responsible wear involves removing your jewelry during activities that may expose the gem to potential damage or abrasions.

    Why Buy Loose Spinel From Glitter Gemstones

    There are several compelling reasons to buy loose spinel from Glitter Gemstones:

    1. Quality Assurance: Glitter Gemstones is known for its commitment to quality. When you purchase loose spinel from Glitter Gemstones, you can trust that you are getting a genuine and high-quality gemstone. Each spinel is carefully sourced and undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure its authenticity and beauty.

    2. Wide Variety: Glitter Gemstones offers a wide variety of loose spinel gemstones in various colors, sizes, and cuts. Whether you're looking for a rare and vibrant red spinel or a classic blue or pink spinel, you're sure to find the perfect gemstone to suit your preferences and needs.

    3. Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the gemstone industry, Glitter Gemstones has a team of experts who are passionate about gemstones and dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Whether you have questions about spinel or need assistance selecting the right gemstone for your project, Glitter Gemstones' knowledgeable staff is here to help.

    4. Competitive Pricing: Glitter Gemstones offers competitive pricing on all of its loose spinel gemstones. Whether you're a collector, jewelry designer, or enthusiast, you can enjoy affordable prices without sacrificing quality.

    5. Customization Options: Glitter Gemstones also offers customization options for loose spinel gemstones. Whether you're looking to create a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry or need a specific size or cut, Glitter Gemstones can accommodate your needs and preferences.

    When you buy loose spinel from Glitter Gemstones, you can expect exceptional quality, variety, expertise, competitive pricing, and customization options, making it the ideal choice for all your spinel needs.

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